Remember that blog I was writing? Yeah, I forgot too. Let me tell you why.

Long time no see! The last time I put finger to keyboard for the sake of this blog we were just starting official classes.  Now, we just passed our midterm week and break so it’s fair to say a little bit of time has passed (half the term actually). In the meantime I pretty much forgot about this little blog here, chiefly because of all … Continue reading Remember that blog I was writing? Yeah, I forgot too. Let me tell you why.

Actually in London and pretending like I’m not as awkward as I was at the beginning of high school

Sitting on a plane bound for Reykjavik, I am trying to focus on this blog post while also listening to some podcasts my sister recommended for me. How this will turn out will be interesting.  In any case after much distress and frantic emails, my course schedule is finally nailed down.  I’ll just say I’m taking some social science and humanities courses because I don’t … Continue reading Actually in London and pretending like I’m not as awkward as I was at the beginning of high school

London bound and pretending like I know how to blog about it

IES-Study London Program Hey all! For those who don’t know me, my name is Ian Hajnosz (don’t try and pronounce the last name, it’s hard I know) and I am a Junior here at SU. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to many different places, particularly in Europe, so hopefully some of those travel chops will pay off in my first truly long term solo excursion. Here follows an account of my time … Continue reading London bound and pretending like I know how to blog about it

London Time

With every passing week that I spend in London, I feel as if time keeps on going by more quickly. This may be partially due to the fact that everybody always seems to be in a hurry, so I am physically moving more quickly throughout my days. I have finally finished up my midterms and am looking forward to a relaxing weekend in London. This … Continue reading London Time